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CEO Serene Teffaha has 15 years experience as a practicing Lawyer. She is now extremely passionate about social justice and human rights.  Serene is currently under attack by the Victorian Legal Services Board, for her legal practitioner license. However, this has only emboldened her will and desire to continue with her advocacy work and conducting public investigations into corrupt agencies carrying out state sanctioned violence and crimes against humanity on the residents of this beautiful country.

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My Story

Serene Teffaha, the founder and Principal of AdvocateMe, has been operating a legal practice and Advocacy service since 2016. Serene provides specialised legal advice for individuals and groups that may need their matters or issues escalated to the Courts, tribunals or commissions.


In her Advocacy capacity, Serene empowers her clients with the knowledge and understanding of their situation in order to de-escalate their issue and attempt to negotiate a resolution. Serene provides legal information to assist her clients, and of those who may be unrepresented, may also provide pro-bono support as a ‘friend of the court’.


Serene also runs regular public awareness campaigns and organises various actions in a lawful manner in order to mobilise people with the sole purpose of creating change. This is undertaken through campaigns such as ‘Cops for Covid Truth’, APRHA Whistleblower complaints, Peoples Commission in to the Family Court of Australia, Detention Towers Class action and the National Class Action covering issues relating to Covid restrictions.


Serene’s campaigns have been very powerful; and as a result of her resolute representation of the people of Australia that have suffered human rights breaches and crimes against humanity; the Victorian Legal Services Board (‘VLSB’); have cancelled Serene’s Legal Practitioner Licence.


Since April 2021, Serene has been fighting the actions of the Victorian Legal Services Board and the Manager they have appointed, Jacob Uljans from Hall and Wilcox. Against the instructions of all her clients, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia facilitated, without any Court Orders, the transfer of the client trust funds into the hands of Jacob Uljans without their consent or knowledge and in the absence of any complaints against Serene. 


Brazenly; the Victorian Legal Services Board then commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of Victoria to silence Serene from speaking out on behalf of her clients; not just as a lawyer but also as a normal civilian, whose life mission has been to help others. In their desperation, the VLSB also sought to garner all the client information that Serene possesses since 2016, without the consent, knowledge or instruction from the clients themselves.


The VLSB did not succeed at first instance before Justice Forbes and the matter was adjourned. Serene was ready to add the current clients of Advocate Me as another party to the proceedings; however, in an unusual and  surprising move, the VLSB sought an adjournment, which was granted by Justice Richards (after the recusal of Justice Forbes). The adjournment was sought by the VLSB in order to allow time for Hall & Wilcox to undertake national advertising to reach out to the Class Action Clients, to make contact with them, as they did not believe that Serene, and her clients were disgusted and angry and did not want to hand over their information to Jacob Uljans, whom was attempting to extort them for their information, in order to identify the Class Action clients.


It all backfired on Hall and Wilcox and the VLSB, as the clients themselves expressed their repugnance at the CBA, VLSB and Hall and Wilcox for holding their trust monies at ransom without their consent, knowledge or instructions. The Victorian Ombudsman, whom was asked to intervene in the matter, refused to provide any constructive assistance to the clients of Advocate Me, exonerating themselves from any participation.


In a bold move, the clients of Advocate Me expressed their desire to take the matter on in collective group proceedings and pursue their class action, irrespective of the corrupt actions of VLSB, Hall and Wilcox and the CBA.


Meanwhile, Serene brought proceedings in VCAT to stay the decision of the VLSB to remove her Practitioner licence. Once again; in a very predictable move; VCAT appointed Vice President Judge Felicity Hampel to preside over the VCAT proceedings instead of a VCAT member. As a point of interest; Judge Hempel has quite an incriminating public record and reputation that can be easily discovered by anyone wishing to research her. 


As envisioned; Judge Hampel provided a contradictory judgment, purporting that Serene is a risk to public interest despite not having one client complaint against her. Serene publicly exposed Judge Hampels' history, and as a result, in an odd move by VCAT; they would not confirm with certainty whether Judge Hampel would continue to have carriage of the case pending final hearing.


Meanwhile, in an absurd move by Jacob Uljans and Hall and Wilcox, they have issued Serene more than $100K in legal costs, falsely claiming that Advocate Me is their client, in the absence of a cost agreement and contrary to the application of the laws, and in the absence of clients providing them any instructions. Serene has asked for a break-down of those costs (as is the legal responsibility of  Hall and Wilcox; they have however completely ignored that request.


It appears that there are very few remaining Barristers or Judges that are prepared to support the corrupt actions of the VLSB and Hall and Wilcox and to assassinate Serene in an open court and face her investigative and legal prowess; at this point in time, two Barristers and 3 Judges have already removed themselves from matters involving Serene. It also appears that the sham media has also backed off Serene’s case and a Personal Safety Intervention Order has finally been undertaken by Victoria Police against Lucky Lance, whom has been stalking Serene and making her feel unsafe.


In what clearly is an even more absurd move, both matters, the one commenced by VLSB in the Supreme Court of Victoria and the one commenced by Serene in VCAT have now both been adjourned by the VLSB (perhaps it has something to do with their inability to obtain representation?)


Serene is comfortable with these adjournments, pending the escalation of targeted claims in the higher Court against Fiona McLeay of the VLSB, Deputy Chief Magistrate Gett, Chief Justice Alstergren, Jacob Uljans of Hall and Wilcox for misfeasance in public office and breach of statutory duty. However, Serene has prioritised her safety first and has been busy relocating for that reason and ensuring the safety and continuity of support for her team members and clients.


Serene does not want to be distracted by her personal battles, given that is the clear intention of the VLSB, as the statutory authority acting on behalf of the corrupt Victorian Government.


The matter has arrived at a stalemate as they call it; and while Serene and her clients will continue their pursuit to have their stolen funds returned; Serene and her clients have their focus on restoring dignity, liberty and truth to the people of Australia.


The danger posed by the VLSB and Hall and Wilcox unlawfully usurping the client information has in some sense passed. Thanks to Serene’s tenacity and love for her clients, their confidentiality and privacy has not been breached.


Serene does not need to be a licenced legal practitioner to stand up for people and fight for the truth and do what she does best; give it to the corrupt authorities.


As a result of what happened with the VLSB, and the attempted unlawful take-over of the Detention Towers Class Action, the clients of the Detention Towers Class Action have now instructed Clemens Haskin Legal Because of the abrupt and unlawful conduct of the VLSB, many group members are still reaching out to Advocate Me, however, we have ensured that these group members get referred to Clemens Haskin Legal for support.


Serene and her team are also focusing on the appropriate education of the Australian people relating to the dangers associated with the COVID-19 vaccinations, through their work on People for Safe Vaccines.


It is evident that the disturbed forces unleashed against her are backing off temporarily, as they are at a loss as to how to deal with her. However, these forces have recently unleashed on her again with threats of fines, civil prosecution and imprisonment for speaking out on behalf of clients even though she had garnered permission from the Commissioners, Tribunal Members and Judges to advocate on behalf of these clients.


Despite this permission being given to her as a paid agent, the VLSB is exceedingly threatened by her activities to affect change and support and are desperate to stop her being a helper of the people, even when she legitimately gets permission to do so.




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