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  • I am unable to wear a mask for medical reasons, but my employer requires me to, what can I do?"
    For more information on masking, please download our masking template here
  • My employer is asking me to have a PCR test to be able to work, what can I do?"
    For more information on PCR testing, please download our PCR template here
  • I do not want to sign in electronically, what are my options?"
    For more information on signing in electronically, please download our QR Code template here
  • I have been given a specific date to be vaxxed, I do not want to take it, should I quit?"
    No, if you resign then you have no claim for unfair dismissal.
  • I am required to get the vaccine to continue to work, what can I do?"
    Download the vaccine declination form here, personally address it and provide it to your employer as soon as you can. This template includes a link to an extensive covid-19 vaccination information paper, which has all the source links that support all the evidence.
  • My vaccine deadline is looming I have not heard from my employer, can I continue to work after that date?"
    Yes, it is up to your employer to take the next steps. Stand firm.
  • When should I hand in my vaccine declination letter, should I wait until my deadline date for being vaccinated?"
    No, download the form from here, personally address it and provide it to your employer as soon as you can. The form contains a link to an extensive covid-19 vaccination information paper, which has all the source links that support all the evidence.
  • Do I need to give my employer the declinaton letter as well as the Research paper?
    Yes, the covid-19 vaccination information paper contains all the supporting evidence and should be handed over with the vaccine declination letter. For ease of use, a link to this research paper has been incorporated into the declination letter.
  • Should we give our employers a provisional/conditional consent letter?
    No, if you do not wish to take the vaccine, you should not agree to it under any provisions.
  • Do I provide the covid-19 vaccination declination letter to my direct manager or the CEO ?
    Provide the vaccine declination letter and accompanying information document, to the individual who provided the directive to you.
  • There are several people in my workplace who also do not wish to take the vax, how do we say no together?"
    Direct them to this site so that they may acces the vaccination declination document, where they can then submit their own. Further information and options are available at
  • I provided my employer the declination form and they will not accept it what can I do?
    You must wait for your employer to take decisive action, which hurts your employment in any way. If and when that occurs, you can submit a complaint with
  • My employer has not fired me but will not give me any shifts, what can I do?"
    Submit a complaint with
  • I have been fired from my job, do I have any recourse?"
    Yes, you can submit a complaint with
  • I have a medical exemption from my GP and my employer will not accept it, what can I do?"
    Submit a complaint with
  • I have been told I must move to another location and/or position in the company because I wont vaccinate, what can I do?"
    This may be grounds to file a case with they can review your circumstances and recommend any next steps.
  • My employer has listed all the unvaxxed employees on a public notice board, what can I do?"
    There are protections offered to us through the Privacy Act 1988 and this would be considered a breach of privacy under the Act and may warrant making a complaint with
  • I am interested in the class action, will I be anonymous if I join?"
    Yes, class action members are not named in the suit unless you choose to become a lead representative. In that case you will be named in the suit.
  • I am in NSW, should I join the NSW class action or the National Class Action?"
    The NSW class action is specifically relevant for you so we would encourage you to join herebut the National Class Action is also relevant to all Australians so your support of both is very helpful.

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